
Pension provision for self-employed and freelancers

The 'Rürup'- pension is a private old-age provision subsidised by the state. It is primarily aimed at self-employed persons and freelancers who are not covered by statutory pension insurance. The 'Rürup'- pension with fund is possible with a fund savings plan.

Tax relief in the savings phase

Contributions to 'Rürup'- contracts can be claimed as special expenses for tax purposes within certain limits. The deductible portion increases by two percent annually. As of 2025, the contributions will be tax-deductible at 100 percent.

Payout phase

Payment of the 'Rürup'-pension is only possible in the form of a pension. They cannot be inherited or transferred. The pension cannot be loaned or sold. Under certain circumstances, however, surviving dependants may be covered. 'Rürup'- pension benefits are taxed in the same way as the statutory pension, but initially only partially. The taxable portion depends on the year in which the pension commences and is fixed for life as a fixed amount. It rises continuously with later years of retirement. By 2040, it'll be 100 percent.

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